Santa Fe

Acting Academy

Come show your acting talent!


Actor, Street Artist, Public


Description of the activity:

You can study acting; it includes the practical experience of performing live before the public in the theater or presenting a great show on the streets of the city.



20 to 30 minutes


Recommended age:


Educational Content:

Learn about the parts of a play and the preparation process: from rehearsals, makeup and costumes, to how to stand on stage. Not all functions are in a theater, learn about urban works, styles, costumes and rehearse your show. Learn to experience a play in a different way. Interpret, guess and imagine through your senses.


Kool Facts:

The theater was born in Athens, Greece, between the 5th and 6th centuries BC. The Athenians celebrated the rites in honor of Dionysus, god of wine and vegetation.


Economy and Benefits B • KidZanian:

Receive kidZos for the acting activity. Take advantage of the additional payments according to the category of your paZZport, naturalized, distinguished or honorable citizen!