Santa Fe

Candy's factory

Live the experience of being an engineer in candy production and know the process that exists in a mill!


  • Apprentice engineer in candy production

Description of the activity:

Get to know in depth the development and elaboration of new sweets using sugar as the main ingredient.



20 minutes


Recommended age:

4-16 years

Educational content:

  • Values ​​learned: patience, dedication, trust.
  • Skills gained: attention to detail, fine and gross motor skills, collaboration.

Kool facts:

  • Beta San Miguel (BSM) is the first producer of cane sugar in the country with a production of 782,788 tons of cane sugar, representing 13.08% of Mexico's production

Economy and Benefits B • KidZanian:

  • Pay with kidZos for this sweet adventure. Receive special discounts according to the category of your paZZport, naturalized, distinguished or honorable citizen!