Santa Fe

Art Studio

Become a great artist!


  • Artist


Description of the activity:

Learn painting styles and techniques through wall workshops, painting ceilings, and creating a cartoon



10 to 15 minutes


Recommended age:


Educational Content:

  • You will know different ways to make art or crafts with different materials
  • You will learn different drawing techniques to create your own cartoon
  • You will learn about fresh art


Kool Facts:

  • The term art comes from the Latin ars, and is the equivalent of the Greek term téchne, where 'technique' comes from


Economy and Benefits B • KidZanian:

  • Receive kidZos for painting the stained glass window, the mural and the ceiling. Take advantage of additional payments according to the category of your paZZport, naturalized, distinguished or honorable citizen!
  • Pay with kidZos for art creation activities. Receive exclusive discounts according to the category of your paZZport, naturalized, distinguished or honorable citizen!