Santa Fe

House Painting

Paint, decorate, waterproof as an expert!


  • Painter
  • Decorator
  • Window cleaner
  • Waterproofing

Description of the activity:

Learn to work with the walls of a house, painting them, decorating them or giving them a special finish, waterproofing a house, or work cleaning the windows of some windows.



20 minutes


Recommended age:



Special requirements:

Minimum height 1:20 m. for waterproofing and glass cleaner

Educational Content:

  • Values ​​learned: responsibility, dedication, excellence, solidarity
  • Skills gained: teamwork, attention to detail, motor skills, creativity

Kool Facts:

  • Colors exert a strong influence on our mood and emotions: pink, green, blue and white help you rest; white gives a feeling of spaciousness; red and yellow are cheerful and orange increases our appetite

Economy and Benefits B • KidZanian:

  • Receive kidZos for your good work. Receive extra payments according to the category of your paZZport, naturalized, distinguished or honorable citizen!