Santa Fe

Press Publishing

Write and print your own note in a newspaper!


  • Reporter

Description of the activity:

With the supervision of an editorial chief, make your own notes in a newspaper.



20 mins


Recommended age:

6-16 years

Educational Content:

  • Values ​​learned: responsibility, dedication, integrity.
  • Skills gained: critical thinking, self-knowledge, communication

Kool Facts:

  • The term "gazette" comes from the name of a 16th-century Italian coin, and was the price of an information sheet that was sold on the street; until today that name is preserved for many newspapers
  • One of the first newspapers printed in Mexico was the “Mercury flyer”, from the colonial era (17th century)

Economy and Benefits B • KidZanian:

  • Receive kidZos for your great reports. Receive special payments according to the category of your paZZport, naturalized, distinguished or honorable citizen!